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Maintaining the GitHub web site

This website will just contain the web files and any files needed by them. The repository from which these files are generated is your fork of the VTK Examples Repository. For this discussion we are assuming that you have cloned your fork of this site into a repository called vtk-examples.

Setup for Updating the Web Pages

This assumes you have VTK, CMake, git, git lfs, mkdocs, pygments and htmlmin installed along with the checkout of your fork of the VTK Examples Repository.

Fork the repository

Go to the VTK Examples Web Site Repository sign in/register, and then fork the repository.

A fork is a copy of a project. Forking a repository allows you to make changes without affecting the original project.

If you want to see what your build of the web pages will look like, go to your settings. Then scroll down until you find GitHub Pages and set the Source Branch to gh-pages.

Clone the VTK Examples Web Site Repository

git clone<github_username>/vtk-examples.git vtk-examples-web
cd vtk-examples-web

Add the VTK Examples Web Site Repository as a remote called upstream

cd vtk-examples-web
git remote add upstream

Updating web pages

For this discussion we are assuming a directory structure something like this:

  |-- VTK               # The VTK Source files
  |-- vtk-examples      # The VTK Examples source files
  |-- vtk-examples-web  # The VTK Examples Web Source files

Step 1: Sync your vtk-examples repository

Remember that to run the following commands, you need to be in your vtk-examples folder.

cd vtk-examples
git fetch upstream
git switch master
git merge upstream/master
git push

Note: You can use your own unmerged branch here but do not submit a merge request as it will be out of sync with the vtk-examples master.

Step 2: Sync your vtk-examples-web repository and checkout gh-pages

Sync your repository with the VTK Examples Web Site Repository. Remember that to run the following commands, you need to be in your vtk-examples-web folder.

cd vtk-examples-web
git fetch upstream
git switch master
git merge upstream/master
git push
git switch gh-pages

Note: If you are doing this for the first time replace: git switch gh-pages with git switch -c gh-pages --track origin/gh-pages

Important: You must be on the gh-pages branch in vtk-examples-web before doing the next steps. So remember to do git switch gh_pages!

Step 3: Build the web site

Go to the vtk-examples folder, ensure that the file mkdocs.yml has the correct parameters.

Then in the top-level folder of vtk-examples:



Remember that local paths are absolute or full paths, not relative paths.

Then, once this script finishes:

Step 4: Verify that the site works

Go to the folder mentioned in the instructions at the end of the script and verify that the site works.

Step 5: Commit, Add and Push

git status
git commit -a -m"Updating files"
git push

If there are new files:

git status
git add <The files>
git commit -m"Adding new files"
git push

Step 6: Check it all works

Verify that the links etc. are OK on https://<username>

Do not submit a merge request. This needs to be done by an admisistrator.

Step 7: For Administrators

If you are an administrator and:

  • You had checked out the master in step 1.
  • The web site https://<username> is OK with all the links etc. working.

Then go to your fork<username>/vtk-examples and submit a merge request.