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import vtk.vtkActor;
import vtk.vtkBoxWidget;
import vtk.vtkConeSource;
import vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera;
import vtk.vtkNativeLibrary;
import vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper;
import vtk.vtkRenderer;
import vtk.vtkRenderWindow;
import vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor;
import vtk.vtkTransform;
// For writing an image
import vtk.vtkPNGWriter;
import vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter;
public class Cone6 {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* @param args
// load the necessary interface libraries on first reference to the
// class.
// Loading Native Libraries.
// Now it works in eclipse without any issues.
static {
if (!vtkNativeLibrary.LoadAllNativeLibraries()) {
for (vtkNativeLibrary lib : vtkNativeLibrary.values()) {
if (!lib.IsLoaded()) {
System.out.println(lib.GetLibraryName() + " not loaded");
// create the box widget as an instance variable so we can interact
// with it from the interaction call back.
vtkBoxWidget boxWidget = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// We will start by creating an instance of our Cone6 example
// This example uses callbacks, and for Java that requires an instance
// object to own the callback logic.
Cone6 myCone = new Cone6();
// Similar to Step2/Java/, we define a callback for
// interaction. In this case we will apply the box transform to the its prop3D.
// Java callbacks do not have parameters.
void myCallback() {
vtkTransform t = new vtkTransform();
* The doit() function is simply the instance function to perform the
* construction of the vtk pipeline for this example.
void doit() {
// This example introduces 3D widgets. 3D widgets take advantage of the
// event/observer design pattern introduced previously. They typically
// have a particular representation in the scene which can be
// interactively
// selected and manipulated using the mouse and keyboard. As the widgets
// are manipulated, they in turn invoke events such as
// StartInteractionEvent,
// InteractionEvent, and EndInteractionEvent which can be used to
// manipulate
// the scene that the widget is embedded in. 3D widgets work in the
// context
// of the event loop which was set up in the previous example.
// Next we create an instance of vtkConeSource and set some of its
// properties. The instance of vtkConeSource "cone" is part of a
// visualization pipeline (it is a source process object); it produces
// data (output type is vtkPolyData) which other filters may process.
vtkConeSource cone = new vtkConeSource();
// In this example we terminate the pipeline with a mapper process
// object.
// (Intermediate filters such as vtkShrinkPolyData could be inserted in
// between the source and the mapper.) We create an instance of
// vtkPolyDataMapper to map the polygonal data into graphics primitives.
// We
// connect the output of the cone souece to the input of this mapper.
vtkPolyDataMapper coneMapper = new vtkPolyDataMapper();
// Create an actor to represent the cone. The actor orchestrates
// rendering of
// the mapper's graphics primitives. An actor also refers to properties
// via a
// vtkProperty instance, and includes an internal transformation matrix.
// We
// set this actor's mapper to be coneMapper which we created above.
vtkActor coneActor = new vtkActor();
// Create the Renderer and assign actors to it. A renderer is like a
// viewport. It is part or all of a window on the screen and it is
// responsible for drawing the actors it has. We also set the
// background color here.
vtkRenderer ren1 = new vtkRenderer();
ren1.SetBackground(0.1, 0.2, 0.4);
// Finally we create the render window which will show up on the screen
// We put our renderer into the render window using AddRenderer. We
// also set the size to be 300 pixels by 300.
vtkRenderWindow renWin = new vtkRenderWindow();
renWin.SetSize(300, 300);
// The vtkRenderWindowInteractor class watches for events (e.g.,
// keypress,
// mouse) in the vtkRenderWindow. These events are translated into
// event invocations that VTK understands (see VTK/Common/vtkCommand.h
// for all events that VTK processes). Then observers of these VTK
// events can process them as appropriate.
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren = new vtkRenderWindowInteractor();
// By default the vtkRenderWindowInteractor instantiates an instance
// of vtkInteractorStyle. vtkInteractorStyle translates a set of events
// it observes into operations on the camera, actors, and/or properties
// in the vtkRenderWindow associated with the vtkRenderWinodwInteractor.
// Here we specify a particular interactor style.
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera style = new vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera();
// Here we use a vtkBoxWidget to transform the underlying coneActor (by
// manipulating its transformation matrix). Many other types of widgets
// are available for use, see the documentation for more details.
// The SetInteractor method is how 3D widgets are associated with the
// render
// window interactor. Internally, SetInteractor sets up a bunch of
// callbacks
// using the Command/Observer mechanism (AddObserver()). The place
// factor
// controls the initial size of the widget with respect to the bounding
// box
// of the input to the widget.
boxWidget = new vtkBoxWidget();
// Place the interactor initially. The input to a 3D widget is used to
// initially position and scale the widget. The EndInteractionEvent is
// observed which invokes the SelectPolygons callback.
// Now for every interaction event that is generated by the boxWidget,
// call our callback function.
boxWidget.AddObserver("InteractionEvent", this, "myCallback");
// Normally the user presses the "i" key to bring a 3D widget to
// life. Here we will manually enable it so it appears with the cone.
// Start the event loop.
// There is no explicit need to free any objects at this point.
// Once Java exits, memory is automatically freed.